
Technician Class Frequency/Band List

These are commonly used frequency bands allocated to Technician Class license holders. Though not a comprehensive listing, this PDF document is free to download and print for your personal use.


General Class Frequency/Band List

These are commonly used frequency bands allocated to General Class license holders. Though not a comprehensive listing, this PDF document is free to download and print for your personal use.

Amateur Extra.pdf

Amateur Extra Frequency/Band List

These are commonly used frequency bands allocated to Amateur Extra Class license holders. Though not a comprehensive listing, this PDF document is free to download and print for your personal use.


GMRS Frequency/Channel List

These are frequency/channels allocated to GMRS license holders. This PDF document is free to download and print for your personal use. GMRS is not part of Amateur (Ham) Radio. Transceivers must be certified by the FCC to operate on GMRS service frequencies.